Dual Shaft Motor - D5065 270kv

Dual Shaft Motor - D5065 270kv
SKU: D5065
8mm primary shaft with flat, see drawing.
8mm secondary shaft, for possible use with CUI AMT-212 encoder (for ODrive Pro and S1), or CUI AMT-102 encoder (for ODrive v3.6).
Performance specifications found in ODrive Motor Guide.
This motor has 7 pole pairs and 12 stator slots (12n14p).
Includes a thermistor thermally connected to motor windings to monitor temperature (NTC 10k 1% 3435).
Black color with laser-etched ODrive logo and model number (D5065 - 270KV).
Motor phases have 4mm male bullet connectors.
3D printable enclosure: Files and details.
The faceplate for this design is available in aluminium here.